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July 9, 1983      World Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1983 | World Theater | St Paul | MN


Stevie BeckButch Thompson Trio Don Ewell.

Songs, tunes, and poems

Beauty and tears ( Stevie Beck )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

Bunsen, Clarence
Bunsen, Duane

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

The Lundburgs were out wandering around sleepwalking and talking to themselves. Mrs. Thorvaldsen called Larry and Leroy, who tied a clothesline to the Lundburg's ankles. They walked to the end of the line, tripped and woke up mad. Lots of people were having a hard time sleeping. Nobody has air conditioning. LW people assume that you have to be sick before you buy an air conditioner. People are modest so they sleep under a blanket. Mrs. Krepsbach was ironing sheets and woke up Karl. He went next door. They called Leon to make a foursome and played cribbage until breakfast. Two old-timers went skinny dipping in the lake. Gary and Leroy coasted down to the edge of the LW and shone the spotlight. They went under water for sixty seconds. Leroy saw that they were up to their necks in water that's three feet deep. Duane Bunsen was up late. At age 18, he's at the peak of his sleeping ability. He just got a letter from the Air Force ROTC offering him a 4-year scholarship. He will be in the Air Force until he's 26. Duane reminds himself to be adventurous and free. He and some of his friends are driving out to Alaska. Clarence is looking forward to not hearing, "Oh Dad" from Duane any more.

Notes and References

1983.07.09 Louisville Courier / 1983.07.08 Star Tribune / Frank Berto has some question about the date of this particular 'news'. Maybe from July 23?

Archival contributors: Frank Berto

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