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October 11, 1986      World Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1986 | World Theater | St Paul | MN


Country Gazette Richard Dworsky Garrison Keillor Tom Keith Leo Kottke Howard Mohr Jean Redpath Dan Rowles.

Songs, tunes, and poems

Honey Babe (Country Gazette  )
Never Loved Nobody But You (Country Gazette  )
Daddy ( Garrison Keillor )
Nancy Spain ( Jean Redpath , Country Gazette  )
O Lord I Sound Just Like Momma ( Garrison Keillor )
Nothing Left but the Blues (Country Gazette  )
The Three Graces ( Garrison Keillor , Leo Kottke )
As The Cat Climbed Over the Closet Jamb ( Garrison Keillor , Leo Kottke )
Complaint ( Garrison Keillor , Leo Kottke )
Pastoral ( Garrison Keillor , Leo Kottke )
The Dance ( Garrison Keillor , Leo Kottke )
The Sea Elephant ( Garrison Keillor , Leo Kottke )
I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eyes ( Jean Redpath , Garrison Keillor , Country Gazette  )
Little Martha ( Leo Kottke )
Green Pastures ( Garrison Keillor , Country Gazette  )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

4 Year College Near You (Student preparing for the final exam uses The Wheel of Literature TV show to prepare. Flunks test.)
All Women Garage (Women hassle men who know nothing about cars.)
Krebsbach, Carl
Minnesota Language Systems (Howard Mohr offers advice on tipping in Minnesota.)
Powdermilk Biscuits (Being the last kid on the bus route and no one wants to have you sit with them.)
Rowles Employment Agency (Featuring the Rowles Subliminal Resumes (RSR))
The Kraft Miracle Whip View of a Small Town (A soap opera view of a small town and a zucchini trapped in a man's body.)
Toy Tools (Professional tools that look like toys so kids leave them alone and neighbors won't borrow them.)

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

Carl goes to the dentist / Clifford is trying to get LW to do something to put LW on the map. Val suggested a year-round bible camp. People listened with a deepening silence. Carl Krepsbach's business is really picking up. He is unable to take care of the people as rapidly as he is needed. He was working on his sister Eloise's house. Two of his customers tracked him down. Carl was driving down the road talking to himself about his ungrateful customer's when he chomped down and chipped a tooth. It hurt something terrible. Dr. Newt stopped practicing in LW so Carl drove to St. Cloud to the Lakewood Dental Clinic, which is open 7 days a week.. They gave him Novocain and nitrous oxide and popular music on earphones. The lady dentist and her assistant talked about their boy friends while Carl nearly drowned in the dentist's chair. As Carl drove carefully home, he thought about life in shopping malls and parking lots living with strangers. You would have to work all of the time to pay for things that you buy because no one loves you.

Other mentions/discussions during the show

Garrison reads poems by William Carlos Williams accompanied by Leo Kottke

Notes and References

1986.10.10 Star Tribune

Archival contributors: Ken Kuhl

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