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January 5, 1985      Orpheum Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1985 | Orpheum Theater | St Paul | MN


Greg BrownButch Thompson Trio John Angus Foster Prudence Johnson Kathy Mueller Peter Ostroushko Helen Schneyer Sven Bertil Taube.

Songs, tunes, and poems

Seek and You Shall Find ( Helen Schneyer )
Miner's Song ( Helen Schneyer )
Red is the rose ( Helen Schneyer )
We Sing Hallejulah ( Greg Brown , Prudence Johnson )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

Auto Agression Institute
Bertha's Kitty Boutique (Bertha's Group Cat Programs at Catcare Centers.)
Bunsen, Arlene
Bunsen, Clarence
Bunsen, Clint
Dorothy's Cafe (Norwegian Espresso)
Eye Witness Hair (Eye Witness Hair Spray: For your personal appearance.)
Powdermilk Biscuits (What it is like to be a Shy Person and the Shy Person Support Group.)
Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery (Cod Liver Oil, "Norsk Delight")
Sidetrack Tap (Walley's Birthday party.)
The Farm: Public Radio Drama
The Robert Street Bridge (Prudence Johnson (Bridge over Troubled Waters))
Wild Bill Brown's Calendars (Peter Ostoushko on location...)

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

The Christmas decorations came down hard but they didn't break. The temperature was 15 below, which put a crimp on the planned New Year's celebration. The Inkvuists planned a New Year's celebration to show off their new grand daughter, Karin, who was a very ugly 3-week old baby. All ofYalmer's kids were good looking. They canceled the reception. Clarence and Arlene were in a festive mood. He'd been sick and hadn't shaved for a week. They invited Clint and Irene over if the lights were still on. They turned off the lights just before they arrived. Clarence and Irene couldn't sleep. Irene got up and started ironing her sheets. The high strength coffee kept her awake. She turned on the radio which brought in nothing but terrible music and then a talk show about America's need to wake up. Clarence was thrashing around so she got up to check the iron. Then she got up to check if the front door was locked. She was up all night and looked terrible the next morning. The Krugers used to do New Year's Eve, serving 'Hurricanes' in very large glasses with 4 oz of rum. The guests walked home. The Krepsbachs did not stay up but just as Carl crawled into bed, he thought 'carbon monoxide' so he did not sleep. Father Emil had trouble sleeping with the I Christmas angel hanging over his bed. Sister Arvanne came over because she saw that the light was on. Story about the tunnel caved in. She brought him a book about a detective priest, which put him to sleep promptly. GK's sleep scheme is failing. By New Year's afternoon, Arlene was feeling better. Clarence went to Clint's to watch football. Arlene had a marvelous dream about the deacons looking after babies in the crying room.

Notes and References

1985.01.05 Indianapolis Star

Archival contributors: Frank Berto, Ken Kuhl

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