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October 24, 1981      World Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1981 | World Theater | St Paul | MN


Sean BlackburnButch Thompson TrioElectricity. Hot Mud Family Dakota Dave Hull

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Ingqvist, Yalmer

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

It was very cold and windy. It's time to put on the storm windows. Yalrner Ingqvist got a call from an old friend in Tampa, Florida asking if it had snowed yet. Yalrner hung up on him. This time of year is like getting older. You don't need any comments. GK .remembers installing the storm windows. The ladder was a little a bit short so that it had to be set very close to the house. You lugged the heavy storm window up the ladder knowing that there were a couple of rungs missing. Pressing yourself and the window against the ladder. The radio was playing the Gophers game from Ohio and Minnesota was losing. GK felt old when he got up to take a shower. The body is nervous when you are naked. If you walked naked down to the basement to take a shower. You step on a jack and you leap. Young guys sing in the shower. Older guys think that they out to glue treads to the tiles. The problem comes when you try to prevent yourself from falling. You back cracks and your life changes from then on. There are guys lying on the marble floors in airports. People say bad back.

This show was Rebroadcast on 1982-04-10

Related/contemporary press articles

Philadelphia Inquirer Oct 20 1981

Notes and References

1981.10.24 Missoulian / Frank Berto only had the News from this date and concedes the date is "a guess" / Audio of the News available as a digital download.

Archival contributors: Frank Berto, John Hall

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