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Prairie Home Companion

August 20, 2016      

    see all shows from: 2016

This show was a REBROADCAST
The Original Performance Date was 2013-06-08

This week: a star-studded rebroadcast of our June 2013 visit to the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, California. Scottish-Australian institution and world-class songwriter Colin Hay sings "Overkill" and tells the story of why everyone's always "Looking for Jack," and our Royal Academy of Radio Actors gets an infusion of Hollywood royalty, with Paula Poundstone, Martin Sheen, and Lily Tomlin lending their voices to Guy Noir and The Lives of the Cowboys. Plus: Jearlyn and Jevetta Steele light up the California night with "Are You Ready for a Miracle?" and Garrison delivers a poignant tribute to a family cat. In Lake Wobegon: a few tales of graduation ceremony pranks from over the years. Read notes from Jearlyn and Jevetta Steele and Tim Russell about this week's rebroadcast Jearlyn and Jevetta Steele:
There's the show, then there's the "show". Backstage is where all is common ground. We take down, add to, color, twist, shape and remove our hair. We tuck away our body fat and put on our eye lashes to become the carefully crafted illusions the audience expects. Imagine four women from unique backgrounds and traditions sharing in laughter, love of family, and conversations of accomplishments and failures while sitting side by side preparing for A Prairie Home Companion at the Greek Theatre. It was June 2013. For us, sharing a room with iconic comedians Lily Tomlin and Paula Poundstone included lots of stories but it was the heartfelt memories shared that stick. We were comfortable with one another. Most surprising was the depth of our exchanges. These were not the frivolous reflections of four women who for the first time were completely frank in our sharing. No, this was something special. Paula finished primping first. She could have left the room to mingle with others. Instead, she hung around to enjoy the camaraderie fostered in that space. In hindsight it was simply words - genuine and funny. Although the stars have not brought us together again, we cherish that moment in time. That is the show we won't forget.
Tim Russell:
In June of 2006, my wife Judy ran into Martin Sheen in the parking lot of the Hollywood Bowl. She had been friendly with Lily Tomlin, Martin's cast mate from "The West Wing," during the filming of the Prairie Home Companion movie. Judy mentioned Lily's comment that Martin was jealous that Lily got to be in the movie, and he said it was true - he had been a huge fan of Garrison for over 30 years, and was thrilled to bring his family and friends to see the show live. Judy encouraged him to come backstage after the show to meet Garrison, which he did, and after that he became a frequent APHC guest. Fast-forward to the Greek Theatre in L.A. and this 2013 Friday night taping (the only show we tape the night before, to keep the audience from baking under the afternoon sun) which brought Martin and Lily together again. The powerful voice of Colin Hay reached the back row of The Greek (right below the dramatically lit trees of Griffith Park) with his hit, "Overkill," the mighty voices of Jearlyn and Jevetta Steele literally knocked it out of the theater into the Park, and the amazing Paula Poundstone, Martin, and Lily hammed it up in some scripts with GK and the Radio Actors: that's a show to remember.