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Prairie Home Companion

November 14, 2009      

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This show is a COMPILATION of past shows
Elements are from as-of-yet undetermined shows

This week on A Prairie Home Companion, we get ready for Turkey Day by convening with the ghosts of Thanksgivings past. Guy Noir has a run in with a two-bit criminal known as "The Stuffer," Meryl Streep reads "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver, and Leon Redbone sings "Shine on Harvest Moon." Vern Sutton, Janis Hardy and Philip Brunelle sing the "Thanksgiving Cantata," we remark upon the mysterious and merciful effects of Tryptophan and The Guy's All-Star Shoe Band rocks a tune called "Stuff That Turkey." Plus, a cautionary tale from Lake Wobegon about the time Irene Bunsen decided to break from the traditional holiday menu. All this and more pre-Thanksgiving, harvest time, autumnal musings coming up.