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Prairie Home Companion

March 22, 2008      

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This show is a COMPILATION of past shows
Elements are from as-of-yet undetermined shows

This week on A Prairie Home Companion, we'll bring you a special compilation show just for kids. Spring Break has befallen many homes, and left parents with disgruntled, bored and increasingly rowdy children. Our solution? Make them sit down and listen to the radio, tie their shoelaces together if necessary. There will be all sorts of sound-effects: car chases, toilets flushing, big birds of prey, and despite the numerous complaints we received from listeners after the Joke Show, a foray or two into flatulence. We've got a classic princess segment with Kate MacKenzie and Maria Jette in pink taffeta, and a chicken segment with Geoff Muldaur's "Chicken Song." Plus, Inga Swearingen's "Hush Little Baby," and Randy Newman sings a song from "Toy Story". It's a show, not for easily offended adults who relish their outrage, but for the free-thinking kids, who can still find joy in unexpected places, and know how to take a joke.