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Lake Wobegon Loyalty Days

September 9, 1989      Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, MN

    see all shows from: 1989 | Orchestra Hall | Minneapolis | MN


Garrison KeillorMinneapolis Symphony Orchestra.

Songs, tunes, and poems

I write in the morning ( Garrison Keillor , Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra  )
The Sons of Knute ( Garrison Keillor , Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra  )
Morning light on Lake Wobegon ( Garrison Keillor , Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra  )
Oh little town of Lake Wobegon ( Garrison Keillor , Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra  )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

Powdermilk Biscuits

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

The LW School Board voted 5-3 not to fire Lyle, the science teacher, after the caterpillars from a science experiment damaged the poplar trees at the school. The water tasted bad so people picked up water from the fire station so the fire truck was empty so two houses burned down. Carl K was propositioned by a gay flight attendant on the airplane coming back from Phoenix. Do you like gay men or was it game hen. Roger Hedlund's youngest daughter, Christine, graduates. She planned to go to Minneapolis to secretarial school. Roger and Elaine came back from their honeymoon and he said, "It could have been a lot worse." The Hedlund family reunion, intelligence is a recessive family trait. They talk about money. Roger flooded the lower pasture and became the first to grow wild rice. Fears for the future of the graduates. Christine announces that she has broken up with her dumb boy friend, Rick, and she is going to California instead. A storm takes out the power and Christine and Roger work to set up a pump to save the rice field.

Other mentions/discussions during the show

Winter defines true Minnesotans. The Sons of Knute Oath of Membership. GK got into radio to impress Rene, a beautiful red-headed girl. Broadcasting classical music for five hours a night from Station WUM. WUM had been off the air for six months before GK stopped playing records. The 87 Minnesota counties / The Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra

Notes and References

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