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January 10, 1987      World Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1987 | World Theater | St Paul | MN


Jethro BurnsCountry Gazette Velma Frye Garrison Keillor Leo KottkeNew Grass Revival Peter Rowan. Helen Schneyer

Songs, tunes, and poems

Auld lang syne ( Garrison Keillor , Velma Frye )
Flying Cloud ( Helen Schneyer )
My Father How Long? ( Garrison Keillor , Helen Schneyer , Velma Frye , Leo Kottke )
The Lion Sleeps Tonight ( Garrison Keillor , Velma Frye )
Morning's a Long Way Home ( Leo Kottke )
Pamela Brown ( Leo Kottke )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

Adventures of Buster the Show Dog
Bertha's Kitty Boutique (Songs of the Cat, The Owl and the Pussy Cat.)
Ingqvist, David
Ingqvist, Judy
Powdermilk Biscuits
Tollefsen, Val

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

It's been a warm dry winter. The novelty affects the story tellers. The ice houses are out on the lake. It's crucial to get the fish houses out because the alternative is divorce. Men can't be attractive all of the time so LW needs fish houses. David and Judy Inqvuist's marriage requires that they go to Florida. Advent was very hard on them. They have seven days to go. They need to listen to non-Lutheran birds that cry "More." Val Tollefsen came by to put a circuit box on their furnace and complained about the expense of the trip. He brought Rick, the TV dog. Rick brought fleas into their house. Judy went to Ralph's and stole two bars of Lysene anti-flea. soap. Then the kids came down with flu. The furnace went out and they had mice in the house. David uses a bucket with com in it to trap mice. He takes the mice a long way away and lets them go. One mouse kept returning to the house. David named the mouse Moses. The kids were worse on Thursday. David thought that if he killed Moses, the Lord would let him go. The 5th time, it came back he took it out on LW. He slipped on the ice and crushed Moses. David decided to go immediately so they called her mother, got in the car and left for Minneapolis. At 7:30 am, they were on their way to Florida.

Other mentions/discussions during the show

The show starts without normal fanfare while Garrison explains they couldn't start a new year without singing a few songs that didn't get into last week's show. He and Velma sing Auld Lang Syne and Go Tell Grandma, the Old Gray Goose is Dead! Garrison reads poems by Houseman, Tennesee Williams, Robert Frost, X.J. Kennedy & Shakespeare with Leo playing in the background. "Remember to Keep Your Hopes Up High, Your Feet on the Ground, Pray for Snow, and Eat Those Powder Milk Biscuits."

Notes and References

1987.01.10 Detroit Free Press (and others): point to a show with Velma Fry and Helen Schnayer

Archival contributors: Frank Berto, Ken Kuhl

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