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May 18, 1985      Orpheum Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1985 | Orpheum Theater | St Paul | MN


Barrett SistersButch Thompson Trio Jim Dapogny Leroy Larson. Minnesota Scandinavian Ensemble Peter Ostroushko

Songs, tunes, and poems


Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

Bunsen, Clint

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

Competitive tomato growing. Clint Buntsen's second team of tomatoes. Harold Deaner's new garden tiller dug itself in up to the manifold. He shut it off and the advisory committee gathered around to offer advice. By following their suggestions, the tiller buried itself up to the handles. Carl got the wrecker from the garage and winched it out. The wind blew the Quaker State Oil sign down the middle of Main Street. It just missed Mr. Lundburg as he came out of the Sidetrack. He had a rotten week. He and Betty had trouble sleeping. If he sleeps too soundly, he sleep walks. They just fallen asleep when half of the ceiling plaster crashed down. Betty had pointed out the problem to him 20 or 30 time in the past six months. As they lay in the dark, she recalled the history of the ceiling. He could smell all of the broken bottles of cheap perfume that he had bought for her. He felt terrible. He got up early and made coffee and toast to amaze and confuse her. He was dusting when the new Japanese vacuum sucked up a little bottle of Super Glue and it broke. He picked up the bottle and glued his hand to forehead. They drove to the hospital where the nurse used solvent to remove his hand from his forehead and the bedspread from his foot. He had to go to work and explain the red mark on his forehead. Tonight is Prom Night and the young people are dressed in dazzling white clothes. These clothes are the truth about them. ---- The great gardening campaign has started, including the great tomato sweepstakes. Clarence Bunsen was the first to get the plants into the ground, but his got nipped by the cold. In the middle of the night, he slipped out to the nursery and bought replacements. Harold Diener got a garden tiller — a new type. It went out of control and started to dig straight down. As expected, the event brought out the neighbors, who had plenty of opinions to offer. It’s also the time of year when the skies open up and flood the fields. The storm this week sure got everyone’s attention because not only was it a flood but also the winds came up and took down a number of signs. Mr. and Mrs. Lundberg had a hard time getting a good night’s sleep this week. They fretted about getting enough sleep for nights in a row, and on Wednesday when they finally got to sleep, they woke to a chunk of plaster coming down from the bedroom ceiling. Because it was something that the Mrs. nagged about, the evening became filled with a lot of “I told you so.” The next morning, Mr. Lundberg worked hard to clean up the mess and in the process, he vacuumed up a small bottle of superglue, which landed on his shoe, then his hand and to his head — which landed him in the St. Cloud hospital.

Related/contemporary press articles

Courier May 16 1985

Notes and References

1985.05.12 Star Tribune

Archival contributors: Frank Berto

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