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May 19, 1984      Orpheum Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1984 | Orpheum Theater | St Paul | MN


Greg BrownButch Thompson Trio Willie Humphrey Garrison Keillor Claudia Schmidt.

Songs, tunes, and poems

Cool cool of the evening ( Claudia Schmidt )
Never saw ( Claudia Schmidt )
Love love love ( Claudia Schmidt )
Who ate Napoleons ( Claudia Schmidt )
The glory of love ( Claudia Schmidt )
Love will guide us ( Claudia Schmidt )
Late in the evening ( Greg Brown )
True friend ( Greg Brown )
Collegiate (Butch Thompson Trio  )
Four leaf clover (Butch Thompson Trio  )
Trees ( Garrison Keillor )
World theater ( Garrison Keillor )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

American Toledo Slimline Slate Boards
Bertha's Kitty Boutique
Fearmonger's Shop
Golden Eggs from Happy Hens
Jack's Scraps for Dogs
Minnesota Fruit Council
Olsen, Harold
Powdermilk Biscuits
Sons of Knute

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

At the Junior-Senior Prom, 17-year olds learned about sangria made from wine, gin, and pineapple juice. Catholics were more spectacular in the LW Memorial Day parade, with big flags, a flutaphone band and the Knights of Columbus in black suits, swords and plumed tricorn hats. The poor Protestants just slouched along behind Gary and Leroy in the police cruiser. The Reformation made it impossible for Protestants to march in step. GK remember his 5th grade Memorial Day. Six students were chosen to memorize the Gettysburg Address, Flander's Fields, and the 23rd Psalm. Three would be chosen to recite at the ceremony. The Sons of Knute honor guard arrived out of step. There were speeches and the invocation. Karen Nelson recited the Gettysburg Address perfectly. The ladies choir sang 'Abide with me.' John Bodine was chosen to recite Flanders Field but he forgot the words. Then Miss Lewis taps GK and he recited the 23rd Psalm perfectly. The Grand Oyah announces the salute and the bullets whiz through the trees, just missing Harold Olsen who was to play 'Taps' on the trumpet. / The junior/senior prom went off without a hitch, although many seniors felt poorly the next morning and said they learned a lesson about consumption. There were other lessons learned: glamorous clothes attract food stains, tiny drink spots expand to huge spots, the clothes make you sweat — stand so it just drips straight down. Wayne Guslander took great pride in his white polyester tux. He stood in the middle of the dining room so the family could admire him, then went off to the prom walking on a cloud and feeling so elegant. He couldn’t wait to be noticed because he was so cool. As Protestants, we observed the elegance of the Catholics. They would come out of the church to celebrate some special holidays and we would just stand and watch. Flags flying, Boy Scouts, a flutophone band, the Knights of Columbus, and the crucifix all parading around. Both the Lutherans and the Catholics form their own parades on Memorial Day, but one group is all show and the other group just walks humbly. It was obvious that the Catholics could “take” the Lutherans quite easily. The two groups end up by the Obelisk. The Grand Oya gives the command for the Sons of Knute to march up and over the hill, with their guns at the ready. Six children are chosen to recite the Gettysburg Address, “In Flanders Field,” and the 23rd Psalm, but giggles ensue and memory fails. One year, the Knutes fired the rifles hitting the tree where the bugler was sitting and he went running only to turn and get out a few blats of Taps. And with that, another Memorial Day was over.

Other mentions/discussions during the show

Dogs in Minnesota History. The Save the World Committee. The upcoming LW Whippets season. Dept. of Folk Songs: Dough, Bye bye football, Wode song, Sweet the evening,

Related/contemporary press articles

Star Tribune May 18 1984
St Cloud Times May 21 1984

Notes and References

1984.05.18 Star Tribune / "This will be the last live broadcast until August except for the 10th Anniversary Broadcast on the first Saturday in July. "

Archival contributors: Frank Berto

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