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March 3, 1984      Orpheum Theater, St Paul, MN

    see all shows from: 1984 | Orpheum Theater | St Paul | MN


Greg Brown Jethro BurnsButch Thompson Trio Garrison Keillor. Lieberman Fogel & BayRobin and Linda Williams

Songs, tunes, and poems

The robins are down in Missouri ( Garrison Keillor , Greg Brown )
Rosetta ( Jethro Burns , Butch Thompson Trio  )
These foolish things ( Jethro Burns , Butch Thompson Trio  )
Avalon ( Jethro Burns , Butch Thompson Trio  )
Whispering grass (Lieberman Fogel & Bay  )
Mississippi surfer (Lieberman Fogel & Bay  )
Oh come garden seeds (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
The race is on (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
Texas train (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
Fireball mail (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
Wabash cannonball (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
Rock Island line (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
Train train train (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
Orange blossom special (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )
It gets lonely in a small town (Robin and Linda Williams  , Greg Brown )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

Bud's Garden Seeds
Butch Thompson Music Corporation
Chatterbox Cafe
Home Defense Hardware
Mercy Insurance
Powdermilk Biscuits
Sidetrack Tap

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

Dorothy is back from her Tucson vacation. People didn't like Cousin Flo's cooking. The Chatterbox was packed. Mr. Tolerude talked about planting 200 acres of daffodils, instead of com. Mr. Tumblad was a dreamer who built an ocean-going yacht in his potato barn. He seemed like a quiet farmer but he thought of himself as a sea captain. After four years, when he was nearly 70 years old, he tore down the barn to get out the boat. It was hauled away to the river on a flat bed truck. The diesel started right up and two days later, he came to the dam at St. Cloud, which had no lock. He took a run and got over. He made it to New Orleans by September. He sailed across the Gulf with a manual on sailing nailed to the mast. He had some close calls but the best part was sailing. He made it to the Florida keys and settled in Marathon. He sent a picture home to his family, lean and muscular, with his shirt off. He came back for his son's funeral. Mr. Tumblad's Uncle Cliff was a flyer. He flew his Jenny to LW and landed in the wheat field. After two weeks, the wheat was too high. He became a bore so in July, they cut a 30 feet swath and told him to go.

Other mentions/discussions during the show

Dept. of Folk Songs: Comin 'round the mountain. I saw Esau. Suitors at my door. My goose sings. Mother will come bye and bye. Butter beans. Bread and gravy. Lefsa. Little man.

This show was Rebroadcast on 1988-03-19

Related/contemporary press articles

Green Bay Press Gazette Feb 26 1984
Pensacola News Journal Mar 6 1984

Notes and References

Rebroadcast on March 19, 1988

Archival contributors: Frank Berto

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