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Prairie Home Companion

May 10, 2017      

    see all shows from: 2017

This show was a REBROADCAST
The Original Performance Date was 2014-05-31

This week's classic rebroadcast: we look back to May 2014 and a show originally from the Pepsi Amphitheater at Fort Tuthill Conty Park in Flagstaff, Arizona. Colin Hay sings his early classics "Down Under" and "Who Can it Be Now?" along with a newer classic, "Waiting for My Real Life to Begin"; Los Texmaniacs play "Down in the Barrio" and "Amore de Mi Vida"; and Lynn Peterson joins Garrison on "Flagstaff Ladies" and "I Think of You." Plus: The Guy's All-Star Shoe Band plays "The Open Trail"; Dusty and Lefty tangle with Flagstaff Jack, the Apache Kid; and messages from our sponsors the Beef Producers of Arizona and the University of Phoenix's new degree in texting. In Lake Wobegon, a bat invades Lake Wobegon Lutheran Church and frightens Pastor Haugen.