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Prairie Home Companion

July 17, 2010      

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This show is a COMPILATION of past shows
Elements are from as-of-yet undetermined shows

This week on A Prairie Home Companion, a show for all the summer readers who are able to recline in a patch of shade and read a book the way it was meant to be read: cover to cover, uninterrupted by life's troubles. In this compilation, Anna Karenina meets up with a good Minnesota boy rather than a brooding, horse-racing Russian, Dave Frishberg sings a song about the 1919 World Series, and the Host recites his version of Ernest Thayer's "Casey at the Bat." Donald Hall chimes in with a reading from F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" - Maria Jette sings Gounoud's "Juliet's Waltz" from his opera "Romeo and Juliet" - and a revisionist version of "Streetcar Named Desire." Plus, The Public Domain Free of Copyright Non-Royalty-Paying Radio Theater presents Hans Christian Anderson's "The Ugly Ducking" - featuring Sue Scott, Tim Russell and Tom Keith. In Lake Wobegon, summertime is the perfect time to read a good book.