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Prairie Home Companion

September 18, 2010      

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This show is a COMPILATION of past shows
Elements are from as-of-yet undetermined shows

This week on A Prairie Home Companion, we're getting ready for next week's Season Opener, Street Dance & Meatloaf Supper with a remix of opening shows from the past few years. Connie Evingson sings "Autumn in St. Paul," Sara Jarosz sings "Song Up in Her Head," and Butch Thompson plays "The Working Man Blues." The Old Crow Medicine Show lives up to their raucous reputation, and we stop by the reference desk at the Herndon County Library to check in on Ruth Harrison. The hangdogs of honky-tonk, Austin's Derailers, sing "Who's Going to Mow Your Grass," and in Lake Wobegon, Dorothy at the Chatterbox Cafe is raising eyebrows with a new hairdo.