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July 5, 1986      West High School Auditorium, Anchorage, AK

    see all shows from: 1986 | West High School Auditorium | Anchorage | AK


Garrison KeillorKodiak Russian Balalaika Players Tuna McIntyre Dave Moore. Robert Reed and the Anchorage Community Chorus

Songs, tunes, and poems

Jet Plane ( Garrison Keillor )
Alaska Cats ( Garrison Keillor )
Chester (Robert Reed and the Anchorage Community Chorus  )
Alaska Flag Song (Robert Reed and the Anchorage Community Chorus  )
God Bless America (Robert Reed and the Anchorage Community Chorus  )
Blue skies (Robert Reed and the Anchorage Community Chorus  )
La Cotoulla Polka ( Dave Moore )
Sister Kate ( Dave Moore )
Upic Eskimo Drum Song ( Tuna McIntyre )
Balalaika (Kodiak Russian Balalaika Players  )
Moonshine (Kodiak Russian Balalaika Players  )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

Ingqvist, Virginia
Ingqvist, Yalmer
Larry's School of Travel
Moose Mousse Hair Gel for Men
Tiny Parcels, Alaska Real Estate

'The News from Lake Wobegon'

In 1978, Yalmer and Virginia Inkvuist went to Alaska. Virginia came back from the clinic and said that she might have cancer. She had wanted to go to Alaska because her brother, Albert, had drowned there. The Sons of Knute travel agency arranged the trip. Virginia's test was negative. They took the North Coast G. Limited to Seattle, and a Guatemalan cruise ship. Virginia took hundreds of pictures. The travel agent sent them to see bush pilot Florence, Hot Flaps, Johnson to fly to a lodge next to a lake. They took off in her plane. She landed, they got into the canoe, and then Florence took off. They paddled down the lake looking for the lodge. They realized that they were alone so they set up the tent to protect them from mosquitoes. The next morning, Florence came back with the right people.

Other mentions/discussions during the show

GK rides with a bush pilot to see Mt. McKinley. The Continental Congress was slow to write the Bill of Rights. Tundra Topics radio show. Three major Eskimo tribes.

This show was Rebroadcast on 1988-07-09

Notes and References

Archival contributors: Frank Berto, Ken Kuhl

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