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July 25, 1981      

    see all shows from: 1981


Scott AlarikBosom Buddies String Band. Butch Thompson TrioKatie Laur Bluegrass BandQueen City Brass

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'The News from Lake Wobegon'

The Whippets lost a game — but another one is coming up next Sunday. Otherwise it has been quite the sleepy week. If you sit on the porch and do a lot of napping, the time just slips by. Going back generations, the Lundberg family has produced restless sleepers. During the day, they are very calm and placid folks. At night, they thrash about with a lot of yelling and sleepwalking. Betty (Mrs. Lundberg) was an Olson; she sleeps quietly while her husband twists and turns. The boys sleepwalk — even wandering out, going into people’s homes, and traipsing through vegetable gardens. They don’t take well to be awakened either. The Chamber of Commerce is getting ready for Toast and Jelly Days. The band is rehearsing and the toast booths are being set up for the festivities next weekend.

Related/contemporary press articles

Fort Lauderdale News Jul 23 1981

Notes and References

1981.07.25 Wisconsin State Journal / 1981.07.25 Missoulian / 1981.07.22 Cincinnati Enquirer: "Queen City Brass, Katie Laur" (do not show up in first 2 references)

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