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Prairie Home Companion

April 17, 1999      Peoria Civic Center Theater, Peoria, IL

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Songs, tunes, and poems


Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places


'The News from Lake Wobegon'

Spring has come to LW. A man was setting out tomato plants, three weeks too soon. His wife is going to WI next week to visit her mother in the nursing home. He has been accident prone since he was a child. He almost killed his fellow Boy Scouts building a fire with poison ivy leaves. He blew up his father's car. He almost set his uncle's house on fire. He was the only person to drop a car off the garage lift. He planed two inches off the top of a dragging door. He met his wife and they both realized that this was probably their last chance. It's been a good marriage and there were no more disasters after he married her. It took seven years to probate his dad's estate. His dad was miser and when the family realized how much money their dad had saved, they cried for their mother. His car had 300,000 miles. The man knew that he should give the check to his wife. He saw a huge white grand piano on TV. He will have to tear out walls and add a vaulted ceiling. He crushed his tomato seedlings when he planted them. His wife will be in WI next week

Other mentions/discussions during the show

The PHC cast got their start in the PHC small town talent show. Lives of the Cowboys: Dusty and Lefty arrive in Peoria for a talent show and meet tough Peoria Bob. History of Peoria, the home of Caterpillar. Ray Marklin award to NM. Second place award to GMB. Winner is JM.

This show was Rebroadcast on


Related/contemporary press articles

Quad City Times Apr 13 1999

Notes and References

Archival contributors: Official website

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