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Prairie Home Companion

April 3, 1999      Fitzgerald Theater , St Paul, MN

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Songs, tunes, and poems


Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places


'The News from Lake Wobegon'

Gus Westby and his silent wife, Alma, moved to Florida after he retired from years of raising hogs. They bought the first house they saw in Longboat Key for a ridiculous price. She said, "Thank you, Gus." Three months later, she died following an operation. Gus left LW the evening after Alma's funeral. His two daughters hated him for leaving so soon. Living alone back in Florida, he became a drunk and his house was filthy. One day, Lupe knocked at the door and asked if he needed a cleaning lady. She cleaned up his house and Gus shaped up. She invited him for Easter at her house in West Tampa and he met all of her relatives. Everyone spoke Spanish. At Christmas, she agreed to marry him. He brought her back to LW to meet his two daughters. Her name was Guadeloupe. No one spoke to her at the Chatterbox. In Tampa, everyone would be friendly. Gus' daughter, Kim, finally drove up. He pulled her in to meet Lupe. Gus had found a sexy romance novel, written by his wife, Alma. He gave it to his daughter. He will live his own life

Other mentions/discussions during the show

MN elected the right April Fool's joke. Lives of the Cowboys: Dusty and Lefty go into the Yellow Dog Saloon and meet Big John. Guy Noir: Sugar finds a boy friend and Guy worries about her.

This show was Rebroadcast on 2001-07-14

Notes and References

Rebroadcast July 14, 2001

Archival contributors: Official website

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