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Prairie Home Companion

October 5, 1996      Fitzgerald Theater, St Paul, MN

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Richard Dworsky Chris ForthGuy's All-Star Shoe Band Greg HippenHopeful Gospel Quartet Tom Keith Arnie Kinsella Kate MacKenzieManhattan Transfer. Robin and Linda Williams Tim Russell Andy Stein

Songs, tunes, and poems

Nutcracker Suite March ( Richard Dworsky )
Out in the Cornfield (Hopeful Gospel Quartet  )
I'm On My Way (Hopeful Gospel Quartet  )
Weary blues (Guy's All-Star Shoe Band  )
Farewell Blues (Guy's All-Star Shoe Band  )
Sing You Sinners (Manhattan Transfer  )
Deep Down Camp Meetin' (Manhattan Transfer  )
The Duke of Dubuque (Manhattan Transfer  )
This World Is Not My Home Anymore (Hopeful Gospel Quartet  )
Lonesome road (Hopeful Gospel Quartet  )
If Dreams Come True (Guy's All-Star Shoe Band  )
Choo Choo Ch'Boogie (Manhattan Transfer  )
How Great Thou Art (Hopeful Gospel Quartet  )
The Brimming Glass (Robin and Linda Williams  )
Getting Some Fun Out of Life ( Andy Stein , Guy's All-Star Shoe Band  )
Done Found My Lost Sheep (Hopeful Gospel Quartet  )
Climbing Up The Rough Side of the Mountain (Hopeful Gospel Quartet  )

Sketches, Sponsors, People, Places

American Duct Tape Council (I don't mind the Mexican serape, the beads, the weird incense, all the pottery everywhere, the bowls with seeds in them and dried fruit and the pottery mugs with the herbal tea. What gets me are the wind chimes. I have some friends from the Seventies and when I go to their house and there's this gentle dinging and pinging and tinkling (SFX), you try to ignore it, and listen to the conversation, which is usually about The Land. Capitalized. The Land. The Community. The Rural Community. The Alternative Farming Community. And meanwhile, the stupid wind chimes. After awhile, I go outside with a roll of duct tape and use it as a mute (RIP OFF PIECE OF TAPE, SLAP IT ON CHIMES, DEAD CHIME SOUND). Much better. Let me tell you: I am a member of the Duct Tape community. Proud of it.)
Bertha's Kitty Boutique (Our cats grow up within our circle of energy, they imitate our defense mechanisms, they become a part of our life narrative --- they absorb our values --- so it can come as a shock to open the door one morning and find ---- (MEOW) (CF GASPS) --- the battered carcass of a bird or rodent. Oh Puff. (MEOW) I don't blame you, Puff. Somehow, you've picked up some kind of angry violent vibrations in my life. You didn't kill that mouse, I did. (QUIZZICAL CAT "oh?") I'm changing your diet to Vegetarian Alternatives from Bertha's. Tofu shaped like chipmunks, natural soy rats, cauliflower chickadees. (MEOW) Because I care.)
Cafe Boeuf
Fred Farrell Animal Calls (This is Fred Farrell. If you're troubled by deer coming in your yard with napkins tied around their necks eating the tulips off your front porch, time to order one of my Fred Farrell wolf calls. (WOLF HOWL WITH REVERB) Deer are a nuisance. You let em eat the tulips, next thing, they'll be asking to use the telephone ---- but not with my set of wolf calls, each with its own distinct message instantly understandable to deer: (WOLF CALL NO. 1) I am a carnivore, (WOLF CALL NO. 2) so are the other three who are here with me, (WOLF CALL NO. 3) it doesn't matter if you stand still, I know you are not a lawn ornament. Fred Farrell Calls are realistic ---- and they're inexpensive: for the money you'd expect to pay for just two animal calls, you can purchase my Fred Farrell Six-in-One call --- with anaconda (SFX), anchovy (SFX), anthropoid (APE SFX), anteater (SFX), antelope (SFX) and Aunt Lois (SFX).)
Guy Noir- Private Eye
National Rifle Association (As a mother, I try to instill in my children a sense of self-worth: the idea that --- you are a person, you have a soul, you matter, what you do matters, so stop doing it, you're driving me nuts. The natural enemy of any parent is advertising, which preys on children and persuades them that what really counts is that you have things. And you have to have this year's things. And you have to have the whole set. (TR TV VOICE) Television is full of this garbage, it goes on and on and on, it's full of violence and ugliness and it teaches greed, and that's why I support the right to bear arms. (GUNSHOT, GLASS BREAKAGE). Sometimes brute force is the only solution. (SHE BLOWS SMOKE FROM BARREL))

This show was Rebroadcast on 1998-07-11

Notes and References

Archival contributors: Official website

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